Interested in learning more about conservation in Washington State? Our news announcements connect you with stories about recent conservation work, important updates from our office, and upcoming opportunities for you to get involved.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is issuing this Competitive Solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26. Pursuant to this Competitive Solicitation, SCC intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award an Agency Contract for SCC to purchase services associated with providing facilitation service for the Washington State Food Policy Forum.
SCC plans to fund Washington nurseries through the Riparian Plant Propagation Program to grow native plants for salmon recovery. SCC seeks feedback on the contract process before issuing a third round in spring 2025 for a growth period through 2027, with possible extensions to 2028.
Thank you to those of you who have already taken the survey. Just a reminder that it is open until January 31, 2025. The results of that survey will help guide the work of the ombuds group. Follow this link to take the survey today:
The new 'Ripple Effect' campaign, led by the Washington State Conservation Commission, aims to inspire stewardship of the state’s waterways through resources, tools, and statewide outreach. Launching March 1, 2025, the campaign encourages action to protect riparian areas and support wildlife, water quality, and conservation efforts.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is in the process of developing specifications for facilitation services to the Washington State Food Policy Forum and is requesting input from the vendor community.
SCC is convening a group of conservation district volunteers to review the current Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual and work together with us on improvements. We are inviting diverse perspectives from districts, district managers and direct fiscal staff, for a total of two representatives participating from each of our regions. This effort will involve at least one in-person meeting followed by virtual gatherings. We value your insight and collaboration as we work to make meaningful improvements.
The Washington State Conservation Commission is canceling its regular business meeting. Any planned agenda items will move to the March 20, 2025 business meeting.
We have published the 2024 Annual Report online!
Mike Poteet will begin working for SCC today, December 16, 2024. As SCC's newest employee, Mike will run the Voluntary Stewardship Program.
The Elections and Appointments Guide has been updated to include a revised version of the Checklist 2, “Ballot Results” that was approved by the Commission at the December 5th Business Meeting.
Dani Madrone is joining the Washington State Conservation Commission as the agency’s new Legislative Director.
OFP contracted with Washington Farmland Trust (WFT) and Van Ness Feldman LLP (VNF) to first, identify and assess a series of possible conservation easement affordability provisions, and second, prepare a legal analysis of selected provisions. OFP is providing this final report as a resource to Washington State farmland preservation practitioners who are considering adoption of agricultural conservation easement affordability provisions
In 2023, the Washington State Legislature directed the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) to conduct a study of urban agricultural opportunities and barriers in Washington state. With the direction of HB 1552 (2023), SCC engaged Ross Strategic to conduct a stakeholder and literature review and prepare a report describing the multiple benefits of urban agriculture and identifying pathways to address key challenges faced by urban farmers and gardeners in the state.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is in the process of developing specifications for services to develop a report evaluating the values and ecosystem services of private lands within riparian zones within Puget Sound watersheds.
The 2024 Eastern Washington Commissioner election is underway! Get the overview of timeline for the election here.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has adopted Interpretive Statement24-01 describing the election process of the district representative to the SCC and to accommodate the Washington Association of Conservation District’s annual meeting being held in a hybrid format.
The impacts of climate change are here, affecting lives, jobs and the natural environment all around us. To deal with those threats and prepare for the impacts still to come, SCC, along with nine other state agencies came together to develop a new climate response strategy for Washington, led by the Washington Department of Ecology.
Apply here! As the Southeast Regional Manager, you will work independently under the general guidance of the Deputy Director of Operations and Programs, providing a wide variety of services to the state’s conservation districts.
In compliance with Department of Enterprise Services Supplier Diversity Policy DES-090-06 the State Conservation Commission has compiled a Forecasted Needs Report for all non-competitive and competitive purchases for the upcoming fiscal year.
SCC seeks a Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) Coordinator. The VSP Coordinator will oversee the program’s implementation, management, policy development, budget oversight, and supervision of the VSP Specialist.
On Sept. 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. we will hold the annual elections training. It is mandatory for each district to have at least one staff member attend this training – preferably the staff designated as the election supervisor. It is also highly recommended to have at least one backup staff as well.
The Washington State Conservation Commission is searching for qualified applicants for its next Legislative Director.
In partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), NACD anticipates award of approximately $18 million in conservation operations technical assistance (COTA), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) funding.
Single sign-on through SecureAccess Washington (SAW) is required to access the Conservation Practice Database System (CPDS) starting August 28, 2024.
SCC is seeking nurseries to participate in a contract to propagate native trees and shrubs for riparian restoration projects. Selected nurseries will start propagation in October 2024 with deliverables due by June 30, 2026.
It's that time of year again — SCC is working on creating an annual report for both 2022 and 2024!
The Washington State Conservation Commission, in compliance with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Policy #POL-DES-140-00-00A and Procedure #PRO-DES-140-00A Sole Source Contract Approval Procedure, gives notice that the SCC intends to enter into a sole source contract with Enkon Information Systems Inc.
At its May 16, 2024,meeting, the Washington State Conservation Commission certified and announced election winners for 44 conservation districts.
Starting June 1, 2024, Dr. Dani Gelardi will replace Perry Beale on the Washington State Conservation Commission as the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s (WSDA’s) representative on the commission.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has appointed Kate Delavan to be SCC’s next policy director. Delavan led the Office of Farmland Preservation for four years previously.
Moving forward, for any SCC grant program that is funded by the Climate Commitment Act, the statute (RCW 70A.65.305) requires that applicants notify, “all affected federally recognized Tribes within the project area,” about their proposed project as early as possible prior to approval of funding.
Session is over and the news overall is positive! SCC received an additional $3,500,000 this session for a total of total of $4,500,000 for Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) across the biennium. SCC’s 2024 budget priorities were to increase funding for Conservation Technical Assistance, fix proviso language to smooth implementation of existing funding, and to secure additional funding for SCC FTEs.
Save the date for this opportunity to work with your conservation district colleagues and SCC staff and be part of our strategic planning process. Together, we will assess current and potential priorities and how they might be supported in a future-focused2025-2027 biennial budget. This will bring the conservation community together on day one of our fiscal development process. Please join us and make your voice heard.
The last two months have been a whirlwind and I want to thank all the SCC staff, partners, and affiliated agencies for their support. In this new role, I have found myself continuously impressed with the passion and professionalism both within the agency and its associated stakeholders. I am delighted to be part of this community.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC), and Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the release of the draft Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative (WSRRI) Long-term Strategy.
During the last commission meeting, SCC elected new chair, vice chair and commissioner
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) announces the appointment of James Thompson as its dynamic new executive director, following a meticulous selection process during their November commission meeting. Thompson is set to take the helm of the agency on December 1, 2023.
Karen Zirkle appointed to the State Conservation Commission as the newest commissioner representing DNR.
The Commissioners met on Thursday to evaluate the top applicant qualifications in a special session and outline the next steps in the hiring process.
The SCC Science Team is exploring the use of community-based social marketing or similar approaches (focus groups, directed outreach activities) to assess bridges and barriers to the adoption of conservation practices on private lands.
This announcement provides an update to the information shared on July 7, 2023 regarding applying to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, Farmland Preservation Account, grants in 2024. RCO has solidified their timeline for applications, and this has allowed us to determine our schedule as well. In this announcement you will find a schedule of the application process and the potential next steps. Submitting an application takes significant leg work and often requires multiple conversations with landowners prior to deciding whether to apply.
In addition to the delightful arrival of pumpkin spiced lattes, vibrant foliage, and the splendid autumn climate, we are excited to inform you that the Washington Association of Conservation Districts' regional gatherings are currently underway.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has adopted a temporary Interpretive Statement 20-01 describing the process of the district representative to the Commission to accommodate for the Washington Association of Conservation Districts (WACD) annual meeting being held in a hybrid style with in-person meetings as well as options to participate online.
The Washington State Conservation Commission gives notice that SCC intends to enter into a sole source contract with Ross Environmental Consulting DBA Ross Strategic.
Over the last 6 months, I have had the opportunity to return to the Commission and work with many of you. It has been an honor to work with you and you have my sincere appreciation for your support and support of the Commission.
The Washington State Conservation Commissioners voted on Thursday, Sept. 21, to give the agency reins to Sarah Groth as interim executive director. She will start serving in the position starting Friday, Sept. 22.
In fiscal year 2023, Snohomish and San Juan Islands CDs worked together to create a template for carbon farm planning for the Sustainable Farms and Fields (SFF) grant program. The goal of this template is to facilitate site-specific climate-smart farm plans (which are less comprehensive than conservation farm plans) that recommend climate-smart practices to increase carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The next step for the template is to have it evaluated by interested district staff. Applications are open for a CD to lead this effort!
Starting with the upcoming elections cycle, your contact for CD elections will be the regional manager team. And save the date for an elections training on Sept. 29 at 9:30 a.m.
SCC is seeking an Outreach & Engagement Manager to join our communications team! The person who fills this role will have the exciting and vital job of educating Washingtonians about how the management of streamside land (also known as riparian habitat) impacts salmon recovery efforts. Visit the job listing to learn more and apply.
SCC is seeking an outstanding leader and manager to be the agency’s next Executive Director. The Executive Director will lead a staff of 29 to carry out the work of SCC as the coordinating state agency for all 45 conservation districts in Washington State. In addition to serving CDs, SCC also administers programs and grants that serve other entities.
Draft Irrigation Efficiencies Grants Program (IEGP) guidelines are now available for review and comment. To ensure an inclusive and collaborative process, we are inviting all districts and stakeholders to participate in a 45-day review period. Comments due by Sept. 11, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Please mark your calendars - report content is due September 8, 2023. Submitting an on-time report of accomplishments is one of the mandatory Conservation Accountability Performance Program (CAPP) standards for CDs.
New guidelines are now in place for SCC's Forest Health and Community Wildfire Resiliency (CWR) program. Funding is available for Washington conservation districts to address unhealthy forests and build greater community resiliency to wildfire. Please make sure to read over the guidelines and the reporting form before applying for funds. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.
FY24 Grant Addendum Forms are due for the Implementation, Irrigation Efficiencies, CREP and Engineering grants by the end of the month. For the Engineering grant, the ILA does need to be reviewed, signed by all parties, approved by the Area Engineering Committee and submitted to SCC at the start of each biennium.
It is with great sadness I share with you today the passing of our colleague Ron Shultz. If you would like to sign a card for Ron's family you can find that link inside this post. Ron's celebration of life will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 6, 2023, at the Calvary Chapel Church in Olympia.
SCC is excited to announce that we have taken a significant step toward finding our next executive director. After careful consideration and a rigorous selection process, we are delighted to announce that we have chosen a reputable, experienced contractor to assist us.
You’re invited: Webinar on CD Annual Report Pages – Tips and Q&A on August 1, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is issuing a competitive solicitation pursuant to RCW 39.26. SCC intends to conduct a competitive procurement to award a contract to a bidder qualified to conduct a thorough and competitive search for an executive director.
The Office of Farmland Preservation (OFP) is in the process of developing specifications for services to provide an affordability analysis for conservation easements and is requesting input from the vendor community.
The Washington State Conservation Commission, in compliance with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Policy#POL-DES-140-00-00A and Procedure #PRO-DES-140-00A Sole Source Contract Approval Procedure, gives notice that the WSCC intends to enter into a sole source contract with Enkon Information Systems Inc.
Brook Beeler, Eastern Region Director for the state Department of Ecology, will join the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) as an appointed member on April 1, 2023. Commissioner Beeler will represent the Department of Ecology on the Commission, replacing former Commissioner David Giglio, whose term concluded at the end of March.
Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) staff have prepared a summary of budget proposals from the House, Senate, and Governor’s Office as they support SCC and conservation district or CD's work. The Senate and the House released their budget proposals within the last week. The Governor released his proposal in December. Get the table.
The Washington State Conservation Commissioners voted on Friday, March 24, to give the agency reins to Kirk Robinson for a third time as interim executive director. He will resume the position starting Monday, March 27. Robinson comes to the agency with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He will serve in this position until a new executive director is appointed.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) announces that Chris Pettit has been asked to leave his position as the SCC executive director effective immediately.
We are excited to announce our Conservation Month marketing materials! The media toolkit is live at is what you can expect to find in the toolkit...
At their January regular business meeting last Thursday, the Conservation Commission reviewed the legislation and heard from the Governor’s policy staff on the bill. During the discussion, the commissioners reviewed various options on whether to support the bill.
On Monday, Dec. 5, 2022, Cherie Kearney was appointed to the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) to serve as the second governor-appointed commissioner on the 10-member board. Commissioner Kearney will replace former Commissioner Sarah Speath, who stepped down from the commission earlier this fall.
Chris Pettit, executive director of the SCC, has been re-appointed to serve on the FRRCC; a panel that provides the EPA with advice on issues important to agriculture and rural communities.
Director Pettit will be highlighting these items during his presentation across the state. The attached packet provides information on: legislative updates, informational sheets about our programs, and the latest news on Conservation Month.
SCC is working with its partners to finalize a statewide marketing campaign to promote March as Conservation Month. In order for each conservation district to get the most outof the outreach efforts and associated advertising to be provided through SCC, districts are encouraged to consider holding supervisor elections sometime during the month of March 2023.SCC is aware that districts are starting to schedule elections now and we wanted to get this vital issue on your radar.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has adopted a temporary Interpretive Statement 20-01 describing the process of the district representative to the Commission to accommodate for the Washington Association of Conservation Districts (WACD) annual meeting being held in a hybrid style with in-person meetings with options to participate online.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is seeking comments from conservation districts on proposed Salmon Recovery Funding Guidelines. This funding was received from the Washington State Legislature for the fiscal years 2021-23.
Funding from the State Conservation Commission will support food security and food systems across the state. The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC), in partnership with the Washington State Food Policy Forum, has awarded $48,500 in grants to 10 conservation districts statewide to strengthen our food system, especially in underserved and under-resourced communities.
The Washington State Conservation Commission main office is open to visitors. We encourage you to please make an appointment in advance. Our staff has busy work schedules, and many continue to telework. Appointments help us ensure the appropriate team member is available when you stop by.
During the Jan. 2022 business meeting, Chris Pettit was announced as the new executive director for the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC). Pettit is skilled in environmental policy and law, water resources, land use, government relations, and public administration, among many other issues relevant to the agency’s work in Washington.
At their meeting on December 2, the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) Board of Commissioners appointed Daryl Williams as their new chair and Larry Cochran as vice chair.
The SCC is pleased to announce winners and finalists of the 2021 Conservation District Photo Contest!
The State Conservation Commission intends to enter into a contract with the Washington Association of Conservation Districts (WACD).
The Washington State Conservation Commission intends to award a sole source contract to Ross and Associates Environmental Consulting, Ltd. DBA Ross Strategic for facilitation of and support for the Washington State Food Policy Forum.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has awarded $50,000 in Food System Support Grants to 11 conservation districts in the state.
At their September 17 meeting, members of the Washington State Conservation Commission unanimously voted to make several changes to state regulations for conservation district elections. Changes are designed to improve accountability and make things more clear for candidates and voters.