Conservation Commission News

2025-27 Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual

2025-27 Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual

As I shared in November, the SCC is convening a group of conservation district volunteers to review the current Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual and work together with us on improvements. We are inviting diverse perspectives from districts, district managers and direct fiscal staff, for a total of two representatives participating from each of our regions. This effort will involve at least one in-person meeting followed by virtual gatherings. We value your insight and collaboration as we work to make meaningful improvements.

If you are interested in participating in this effort, submit your name here, by close of business, Tuesday, January 21 2025:

Please save the date for February 19, 2025 for our in-person meeting which will be held in Spokane CD's Scheele training room. 

We are anticipating the following timeline in 2025 but want to remain as flexible as possible while we work through this large piece of work.

  • Jan. 7 - Jan. 31: We will issue a survey about the current grant and contract policy and procedures. This will help us understand how you interact with the document and what challenges you see. It’s important you provide specific, actionable, and practical comments in the survey for us to begin the process improvement work. A link to the survey can be found here:    
  • Feb. 1 - Feb. 7: SCC staff will review survey data and identify the sections/areas identified in the survey that appear to present the greatest challenges. We will also provide this information and DRAFT updates to the manual for sections that are already under revision to district staff who serve in this review team prior to our initial meeting.
  • Feb. 19: In-person kick-off meeting held in Spokane CD's Scheele training room.
  • Mar. 20 (SCC Business Meeting): If we are satisfied that we have collectively improved the manual, we will ask the Commission to send it out for a 45-day review and comment period.*
  • May 15 (SCC Business Meeting): We will request that the Commission approve revisions to the Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual to go into effect July 1, 2025.*

*There maybe some flexibility in these dates, however, they would require special commission meetings.

This is an important piece of work for SCC, and we want to do our best to understand conservation district needs, capabilities, and capacity. While this is underway, we are also revising programmatic guidelines. We hope to have as much engagement from you all in both areas so we can continuously improve and support each other in conserving Washington’s natural resources.

Thank you in advance for your efforts. - James

Interested in volunteering?

Please submit your interest by filling out the form link provided here by close of business, Tuesday, January 21 2025: