Conservation Commission News

Public Comment is open for the Grants & Contracts Manual

Public Comment is open for the Grants & Contracts Manual

The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) publishes grant and contract requirements for conservation districts and partners when funding is received through SCC appropriations. These requirements are published in the SCC's Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual, which is reviewed by SCC staff prior to each new biennium.

The Conservation Commission has approved staff to send the proposed Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual to districts for a 45-day review period. We have made some policy changes and added further clarification to certain topics proposed Grant and Contract Procedure Manual, which you can review here with comments or the clean version here. 

The regional managers, finance team, other SCC staff and conservation districts have all worked together to address, define, and clarify the content in the manual.

The public comments will close at 11:59 pm on Sunday, May 4, 2025. This updated manual will be presented at the May commission meeting for adoption with an effective date of 7/1/2025.

Grant and Contract Procedure Manual Comment Form

If you have any questions as you review the updated manual, please reach out to any member of the finance team or your regional manager.