Interested in learning more about conservation in Washington State? Our news announcements connect you with stories about recent conservation work, important updates from our office, and upcoming opportunities for you to get involved.
Thank you to those of you who have already taken the survey. Just a reminder that it is open until January 31, 2025. The results of that survey will help guide the work of the ombuds group. Follow this link to take the survey today:
Join SCC Program Staff for instructions on the additional reporting requirements for projects funded with Climate Commitment Act (CCA) dollars. This webinar is intended to help grant recipients understand these requirements ahead of end of biennium grant reporting.
Applications are not currently being accepted for tiered incentive or permanent protection projects under the Riparian Grant Program while SCC evaluates the program in preparation for updated guidelines in spring 2025. Please check back as this program is revised in preparation for the 25-27 biennium for updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback.
Mike Poteet will begin working for SCC today, December 16, 2024. As SCC's newest employee, Mike will run the Voluntary Stewardship Program.
The Elections and Appointments Guide has been updated to include a revised version of the Checklist 2, “Ballot Results” that was approved by the Commission at the December 5th Business Meeting.
OFP contracted with Washington Farmland Trust (WFT) and Van Ness Feldman LLP (VNF) to first, identify and assess a series of possible conservation easement affordability provisions, and second, prepare a legal analysis of selected provisions. OFP is providing this final report as a resource to Washington State farmland preservation practitioners who are considering adoption of agricultural conservation easement affordability provisions
In 2023, the Washington State Legislature directed the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) to conduct a study of urban agricultural opportunities and barriers in Washington state. With the direction of HB 1552 (2023), SCC engaged Ross Strategic to conduct a stakeholder and literature review and prepare a report describing the multiple benefits of urban agriculture and identifying pathways to address key challenges faced by urban farmers and gardeners in the state.
Following another significant wildfire season in the Northwest, many communities and managers are yet again focused on postfire recovery and management. Join us for a webinar series to encourage broad reflection and discussion.
Funding is open to Washington Conservation Districts to support the maintenance of plants at existing holding sites previously funded by RPPP. Applications due October 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
SCC is seeking nurseries to participate in a contract to propagate native trees and shrubs for riparian restoration projects. Selected nurseries will start propagation in October 2024 with deliverables due by June 30, 2026.
The Annual Plant Needs Form is designed for conservation districts and other restoration groups, to provide input on your anticipated native tree and shrub needs for riparian restoration projects starting in the fall of 2026. Join SCC for a plant needs Q&A session on Monday, May 13th at 10:00 am.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC), and Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) this week submitted a new plan to the state Legislature intended to guide conservation of Washington’s shrubsteppe habitat for the next 30 years.
Join us on March 5, 2024 for a webinar about the Riparian Grant Program.
Join us on March 1, 2024 for a webinar about the CARB AMMP greenhouse gas emissions tool.
This webinar introduces the principles of Irrigation Water Management (IWM) and its planning. Irrigation Water Management plans are required for all new sprinkler water-application systems funded with the Commission’s Irrigation Efficiencies Grants Program.
The State of Washington is in the process of developing specifications for an assessment of local food policy entities in Washington State and is requesting input from the vendor community.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is seeking comments on the proposed Riparian Grant programmatic guidelines, as well as the draft application and reporting questions. The comment period has closed. Additional feedback accepted via email.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is in the process of developing a Request for Proposals for the development of anaerobic digesters at dairies and is requesting information from the vendor community. RFI responses are due by November 20, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.
The work group is up and running! Check out updates and access meeting notes.
Join us for this live webinar and Q&A on Friday, October 6th @ 9 a.m. Dani Gelardi of the Washington State Department of Agriculture will provide an overview of soil carbon in agriculture, with an emphasis on our current scientific understanding.
SoilCon Field Day, hosted by the Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and WSU’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, took folks into the field for hands-on soil health learning. This year attendees got to see a biochar kiln in action thanks to the Skagit CD and Sustainable Farms and Fields program.
Draft Irrigation Efficiencies Grants Program (IEGP) guidelines are now available for review and comment. To ensure an inclusive and collaborative process, we are inviting all districts and stakeholders to participate in a 45-day review period. Comments due by Sept. 11, 2023 at 5 p.m.
The Sustainable Farms and Fields (SFF) Program was featured in two publications in June, highlighting work by Lewis County and Stevens conservation districts.
SCC is conducting a competitive solicitation to award contracts to purchase riparian native plants through the Riparian Plant Propagation Program (RPPP). The deadline for submitting bids is July 14, 2023. Interested bidders are welcome to join a pre-bid video conference on June 15 at 11:30 a.m.
Updated Shellfish Program guidelines are now available from the State Conservation Commission (SCC) for review and comment. SCC will host a listening session on June 8, 10 – 11a.m. for the 14 conservation districts that receive or potentially will receive shellfish funding. Please join us!
The Office of Farmland Preservation (OFP) is in the process of developing specifications for services to provide an affordability analysis for conservation easements and is requesting input from the vendor community.
Sustainable Farms and Fields Program Manager, Karen Hills, wrote an article about SFF that was featured in the March Washington Soil Health Initiative Newsletter, describing the launch of the program and funded projects for the first funding cycle. You can find the article here.
SCC in partnership with the Washington State Food Policy Forum, has awarded $55,000 in grants to 11 conservation districts statewide to strengthen our food system.
SCC is issuing a Request for Information to gather relevant information needed for SCC to issue an initial limited-scope Request for Proposals, with an end date of June 30, 2023.
This round of funding is open to Washington conservation districts to support the creation, improvement, and expansion of holding facilities to cultivate native trees and shrubs for riparian restoration projects.
The Washington State Conservation Commission's (SCC) new climate-friendly program, the Sustainable Farms and Fields (SFF) program, is open for applications from public entities. SFF is accepting applications from entities that will help farmers and ranchers participate in activities that sequester carbon or reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide.
The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) is seeking comments from conservation districts on proposed Salmon Recovery Funding Guidelines. This funding was received from the Washington State Legislature for the fiscal years 2021-23.
Funding from the State Conservation Commission will support food security and food systems across the state. The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC), in partnership with the Washington State Food Policy Forum, has awarded $48,500 in grants to 10 conservation districts statewide to strengthen our food system, especially in underserved and under-resourced communities.
The Washington State Legislature has appropriated $300,000 to The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) and Whatcom Conservation District (Whatcom CD) through grants to help with the economic recovery of Whatcom County farmers and ranchers who experienced property damage or economic loss due to the November 2021 floods.
Located just outside the communities of Tieton and Cowiche, one of Washington’s Centennial Farms will be protected forever from development.