CLARKSTON, WA – Terra Rentz, the Washington State Conservation Commissioner representing the Department of Natural Resources, announced her resignation from the board at the commission meeting on Thursday, Sept. 21. DNR will appoint Karen Zirkle as its temporary representative until it is able to select a new commissioner to serve on the board in 2024.
SCC’s Commission Chair, Daryl Williams, said "We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Terra for her hard work on the commission and wish her the best in her future endeavors. We are thrilled to welcome Karen as the incoming interim DNR commissioner. It will be a pleasure to work with her.”
Rentz recently changed positions and will be starting a new role at the Nature Conservancy. Zirkle will step into the commissioner position immediately.
Zirkle has worked at DNR for ten years, in Wildland Fire and State Environmental Policy Act programs. She has served as DNR’s Assistant Division Manager in Forest Practices, working with Small Forest Landowners and Policy since 2022. Prior to working at DNR, Zirkle worked at the Washington Military Department and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT),where she partnered directly with conservation districts on restoration projects.
“I am excited to learn more about the good work of conservation districts, and constructively contribute to the work of the Commission, in my interim role as DNR’s Commissioner,” said Zirkle.
SCC is thrilled to have Zirkle on board, even for a short time, and looks forward to seeing what we can achieve during her term.
About SCC
A 10-member board representing governor appointees, state agencies, and conservation districts governs the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC). The agency supports our state’s 45 conservation districts and designs solutions that meet state and local natural resource needs. Visit our website to learn more about our commission members and commission meetings.