About this Conservation Program

Historically, conservation districts have been an important local provider of forest health and community wildfire resiliency information to landowners/homeowners, forest stewardship planning and fire risk assessment services, and incentives to implement recommended practices that improve forest stand conditions and reduce forest fuels.

Community Resiliency

Community wildfire resiliency support activities and actions such as the Firewise USA© program, Fire Adapted Communities resources, Wildfire Ready Neighbors, and Ready Set Go, are important for landowners and communities to be aware of to increase the wildfire resiliency of their private property and communities.


Climate change and drought-associated increases in the frequency and severity of wildfires in Washington state, historical forest management practices, and increasing populations in rural and suburban areas make it vitally important that private landowners steward forest land for improved health and resilience and be prepared for wildfire.

Improving forest health for climate and wildfire resiliency is critical at the same time as rural populations are growing and forest parcels are becoming smaller and more numerous.


Firewise USA:

WA Fire Adapted Communities (WAFAC):

WA Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW):

Boise State University:

Additional resources:

Files & Publications

Want more information? Check out the following files that are related to the Forest Health and Community Wildfire Resiliency Program.

File Name


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Success Stories from this Grant Program

Okanogan Conservation District

Supporting Post-Fire Recovery in the Lightning Creek Watershed

Post-fire recovery efforts in the Lightning Creek Watershed are led by Okanogan CD in partnership with dedicated local property owners.

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Okanogan Conservation District

Building Wildfire Resiliency in Okanogan County

Over 100 home risk assessments have been completed, helping the community prepare for wildfire season and reduce risks.

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Spokane Conservation District

Spokane Conservation District Leads Urban Forestry Innovation

Sixteen years ago, SCD began increasing the scope of its forestry work to include urban forest issues. Today, SCD is creating a conservation park in an old quarry!

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Cascadia Conservation District

Wildfire Preparedness Outreach

The district incorporated underserved communities informing them about the district’s upcoming offerings all in their preferred langauge!

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