Legislative News

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Legislative News

Governor Ferguson’s budget proposals

Washington state’s 2025-27 budget process is underway. The Washington State Legislature is currently in session and working on the next biennial budget. Governor Ferguson released his operating budget proposal, and the House and Senate are expected to share their versions soon.

Legislative News

Governor Inslee releases proposed 2025-27 biennial budget

Governor Inslee released a proposed budget for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium. The release of this proposal marks the beginning of budget negotiations between the Governor's office and state Legislature which will continue during the coming months of the legislative session. This year the Legislature will convene on January 13 and will run through its constitutionally provided 105 days to April 27.

Legislative News
SCC News

Introducing SCC’s New Legislative Director!

Dani Madrone is joining the Washington State Conservation Commission as the agency’s new Legislative Director.

SCC News
Legislative News

Join the SCC Team as the Legislative Director!

The Washington State Conservation Commission is searching for qualified applicants for its next Legislative Director.

Legislative News
SCC News

2024 legislative session wrap-up

Session is over and the news overall is positive! SCC received an additional $3,500,000 this session for a total of total of $4,500,000 for Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) across the biennium. SCC’s 2024 budget priorities were to increase funding for Conservation Technical Assistance, fix proviso language to smooth implementation of existing funding, and to secure additional funding for SCC FTEs.

SCC News
Legislative News

Save the Date! Join us at the all CD meeting in March

Save the date for this opportunity to work with your conservation district colleagues and SCC staff and be part of our strategic planning process. Together, we will assess current and potential priorities and how they might be supported in a future-focused2025-2027 biennial budget. This will bring the conservation community together on day one of our fiscal development process. Please join us and make your voice heard.

Legislative News

Governor releases proposed supplemental budget

The budget proposal released today, Dec. 13, adds monies to both basic government services (operating budget) and state and school construction projects as well as grants and loans for local governments (capital budget). The supplemental budget provides moderate increases and occurs half-way through the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium.

SCC News
Legislative News

Fall means WACD area meetings!

In addition to the delightful arrival of pumpkin spiced lattes, vibrant foliage, and the splendid autumn climate, we are excited to inform you that the Washington Association of Conservation Districts' regional gatherings are currently underway.

Legislative News

So what is in the 2023-25 budget?

The biggest news is the allocation of $25 million for the Riparian Grant program. The Recreation and Conservation Office also received $25 million to continue their work on salmon recovery. This upcoming biennium has the most significant budget SCC has seen and some of the funding includes hiring more commission and district staff and more money than ever to support district work. Some other highlights include:

Legislative News
SCC News

House and Senate release proposed 2023-2025 budgets

Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) staff have prepared a summary of budget proposals from the House, Senate, and Governor’s Office as they support SCC and conservation district or CD's work. The Senate and the House released their budget proposals within the last week. The Governor released his proposal in December. Get the table.

Legislative News
SCC News

Commission takes position on HB 1215, the incentives for salmon habitat bill

At their January regular business meeting last Thursday, the Conservation Commission reviewed the legislation and heard from the Governor’s policy staff on the bill. During the discussion, the commissioners reviewed various options on whether to support the bill.

Legislative News

Governor’s proposed budget invests $100 million in salmon

Governor Jay Inslee’s proposed 2023-25 operating and capital budgets include a significant increase in funding for the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC).