The following printable fact sheets describe how the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) and conservation districts are turning state investment in natural resources and viable farmland into action on the ground.
A quick overview of some of the services offered by Washington’s conservation districts and how they may be able to help you.
This pdf shows SCC's decision packages for the 2025 legislative session. Updated December 2024.
Conserving natural resources on private lands, in collaboration with conservation districts and other partners.
This technical arm of the Washington State Conservation Commission helps conservation district staff deliver consistent, high-quality service and natural resource results.
If your program, project or grants are funded through the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), you will need to use the logo and/or the funding acknowledgement on any printed materials, digital materials or signage that is paid for with those dollars. The funding acknowledgement provides standard language for websites, press releases, public outreach materials and other related promotional products.
General information about program design and achievements.
Re-enrollment information for landowners whose CREP contracts are approaching expiration.
Information for landowners interested in learning more about CREP enrollment.
Provides a graphic and description of conservation technical assistance steps that must occur before ground breaks on a conservation project, demonstrating why financial support is important for this foundation of conservation district work.
Summary of results from SCC Firewise Grant Program that funded conservation districts to help landowners and communities implement local Firewise activities.
Project map, photos, and metrics highlighting accomplishments made through the Firewise Program in state fiscal year 2017.
Wildfire risk is rising across Washington state, threatening livelihoods, vital natural resources, and homes. Learn more about SCC's Forest Health and Community Wildfire Resiliency Program.
A bridge between irrigated agriculture, salmon, and the community.
Download the latest version of the Natural Resource Investments (NRI) factsheet with the latest information on this grant program.
Linking you to preservation and conservation of local agricultural lands.
The Regional Conservation Partnership Program or RCPP is a Farm Bill program that awards federal funding to projects where multiple partners invest in cooperative action to solve natural resource issues in targeted areas.
The Riparian Grant Program (RGP) provides conservation districts with funding for projects to restore and protect riparian habitat, the management zone along the edge of water bodies. Other organizations, agencies, and entities are encouraged to work with their local conservation district to identify, support, and partner on riparian project implementation.
Launched in February 2024, the Riparian Grant Program (RGP) funds projects to restore and protect riparian habitats. This legislative handout highlights the anticipated accomplishments of the program in FY25 and project highlights from conservation districts across the state.
The Riparian Plant Propagation Program (RPPP) coordinates with nurseries, conservation districts, and restoration groups to increase the native trees and shrubs available for riparian habitat restoration.
What is funded in the climate commitment act or CCA funding? SCC has several programs funded through that work and adds up to over $86 million in allocations from the Washington State Legislature.
The Science Hub advances SCC’s strategic goals and enhances the scientific foundations of agency programs and projects at the nexus of agricultural activities and ecosystems.
Shellfish Program – Highlighting accomplishments made through the Shellfish Program during the 2023 fiscal year.
Sustainable Farms and Fields (SFF) is a grant program for conservation districts and public entities that makes it easier and more affordable for farmers and ranchers to implement climate-smart practices and projects that increase carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Granjas y Campos Sostenibles (Sustainable Farms and Fields, SFF) es un programa de subvenciones que hace que resulte más fácil y asequible para los agricultores y ganaderos implementar prácticas y proyectos climáticamente más sostenibles que permitan incrementar la captura de carbono y reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.
General introduction to VSP, a collaborative process that helps Washington communities ensure healthy landscapes and strong farms for the future.
Introduction to VSP, including a “what does VSP mean for me?” section for farm landowners.
WSRRI works to increase the restoration of habitat and support sustainable working lands management across Eastern Washington’s shrubsteppe landscape.
There are many agencies, nonprofits and land trusts that work in the natural resource and conservation space throughout the country. In Washington state there are 45 conservation districts that are looking for people just like you that have talent and passion for natural resource, farmland and habitat preservation.