SCC is conducting a competitive solicitation to award contracts to purchase riparian native plants through the Riparian Plant Propagation Program (RPPP).
The objective of this project is to invite nurseries to participate in providing native trees and shrubs for riparian restoration projects in support of statewide salmon recovery efforts. Native riparian trees and shrubs are defined as having evolved and are naturally adapted to grow in riparian habitats within a particular geographical region. For examples, please visit the NRCS list of common native riparian trees and shrubs by region.
Bidders that are interested in participating in this project must hold a valid business license in the state of Washington. Additionally, bidders must have experience in growing and propagating woody plant materials. The project timeline will begin in August 2023 with all deliverables due by June 30, 2025. Contracts may be extended by two (2) additional one-year terms for plants that need a longer propagation timeframe.
The deadline for submitting bids is July 14, 2023. Interested bidders are welcome to join a pre-bid video conference on June 15 at 11:30 a.m. View the RFP and conference details here.