Applications received by Feb. 15 at 5 p.m. are now being reviewed. Awardees will be notified once the review is complete.
New applications are no longer being accepted.
Please contact your regional manager for questions.
SCC is committed to supporting private landowners’ voluntary stewardship of natural resources. This opportunity provides funding for projects to restore and protect riparian habitat.
The Salmon Recovery Funding (SRF) Program began in 2022, funded by the Washington State Legislature. SRF encourages incentive-based projects with landowners focusing on riparian restoration. All reappropriated funding has been allocated. At this time, no additional funding is anticipated.
In 2023, the Legislature allocated funding to support salmon recovery through streamside riparian habitat restoration and protection. To find out more information on the Riparian Grant Program, visit the program webpage.
There are no funding opportunities available at this time.
Please check the program webpage for current funding opportunities.