Governor Inslee released a proposed budget for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium. The release of this proposal marks the beginning of budget negotiations between the Governor's office and state Legislature which will continue during the coming months of the legislative session. This year the Legislature will convene on January 13 and will run through its constitutionally provided 105 days to April 27.
Governor-elect Bob Ferguson may carry forward part or all of Governor Inslee’s Budget, and the House and Senate will also have an opportunity to craft budgets.
Governor's Inslee’s Budget has some good news for the State Conservation Commission (SCC). The budget, drafted in the face of significant revenue shortcomings, allows us to largely maintain ongoing funding for our programs. It does not, however, bolster funding we had hoped to expand, such as Conservation Technical Assistance.
SCC will continue to work with budget staff to refine language over the next few weeks. We will keep you informed of any meaningful changes as they occur.
View SCC’s budget tables and narratives. The budget tables compare last biennium’s budget to this year’s proposed Governor’s budget and to SCC’s requests.
On page 3 of this file there is an additional table that shows the impacts that the budget has to SCC's ongoing funding. This was brought up as a suggestion from several folks at this year’s area meetings and we hope you find it helpful.
If you have specific questions about the budget please reach out to Sarah Groth, Kate Delavan, or your regional manager. If you have any other legislative questions feel free to reach out to SCC's Legislative Director Dani Madrone.