Please view the Event Calendar for announcements or contact your Regional Manager.
The Department of Ecology is in the process of updating the state’s Water Quality Management Plan to Control Nonpoint Sources of Pollution (Nonpoint Plan), which outlines Washington’s approach to address water quality impacts from nonpoint sources of pollution. As a part of our process to update the Nonpoint Plan, we want to hear from you!
Read MoreThank you to those of you who have already taken the survey. Just a reminder that it is open until January 31, 2025. The results of that survey will help guide the work of the ombuds group. Follow this link to take the survey today:
Read MoreJoin SCC Program Staff for instructions on the additional reporting requirements for projects funded with Climate Commitment Act (CCA) dollars. This webinar is intended to help grant recipients understand these requirements ahead of end of biennium grant reporting.
Read MoreApplications are not currently being accepted for tiered incentive or permanent protection projects under the Riparian Grant Program while SCC evaluates the program in preparation for updated guidelines in spring 2025. Please check back as this program is revised in preparation for the 25-27 biennium for updates and opportunities to provide input and feedback.
Read MoreSCC is convening a group of conservation district volunteers to review the current Grant and Contract Policy and Procedure Manual and work together with us on improvements. We are inviting diverse perspectives from districts, district managers and direct fiscal staff, for a total of two representatives participating from each of our regions. This effort will involve at least one in-person meeting followed by virtual gatherings. We value your insight and collaboration as we work to make meaningful improvements.
Read MoreThe Elections and Appointments Guide has been updated to include a revised version of the Checklist 2, “Ballot Results” that was approved by the Commission at the December 5th Business Meeting.
Read MoreIn order to perform the upgrade, AgLearn will not be available starting on Thursday, October 24th (12:00 PM ET), and will return the morning of Monday, October 28th, 2024.
Read MoreThe Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has adopted Interpretive Statement24-01 describing the election process of the district representative to the SCC and to accommodate the Washington Association of Conservation District’s annual meeting being held in a hybrid format.
Read MoreOn Sept. 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. we will hold the annual elections training. It is mandatory for each district to have at least one staff member attend this training – preferably the staff designated as the election supervisor. It is also highly recommended to have at least one backup staff as well.
Read MoreFunding is open to Washington Conservation Districts to support the maintenance of plants at existing holding sites previously funded by RPPP. Applications due October 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Read MoreIn partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), NACD anticipates award of approximately $18 million in conservation operations technical assistance (COTA), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) funding.
Read MoreSingle sign-on through SecureAccess Washington (SAW) is required to access the Conservation Practice Database System (CPDS) starting August 28, 2024.
Read MorePlease take a few minutes to sign up for SCC news in your inbox. Download instructions here.