Conservation District Resources

Grant Programs Funding Matrix

Get a quick overview of Grant Program funding dates and key details. Select a program to explore the full description, access forms, and find additional funding information.

SCC Grant Programs

Program Name/Link

Application Review Cycle or Timeline

Funding Source & Project Due


Forms & Links

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

CREP is a joint federal and state funded program that restores streamside habitat for salmon and protects that habitat for 10-15 years.
Ongoing as long as funds are available – request funds seasonally as project work will occur. Do not request for work that will occur greater than 6 months in the future. Request made via CPDS CREP funding authorization tool.

Project dependent

Disaster Assistance Program (DAP)

The Disaster Assistance Program is a short-term disaster recovery financial assistance program for farmers and ranchers sustaining physical damage or incurring expenses as a result of a natural disaster. It may partially reimburse eligible disaster recovery expenses or fund the implementation of best management practices that restore and/or increase disaster resiliency.
Timeline and review cycle are specific to each disaster for which the program is activated. Only a local conservation district can request activation, and activation must be approved by the SCC. After activation, a local review committee is established which reviews and prioritizes applications. After committee review, awards are made at the direction of the SCC executive director.

The DAP uses SCC operating funds. Typically, this means that funds must be approved and allocated within a state fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).

See program guidelines for more information on eligibility. Only a conservation district can request activation of the DAP. If you are a farmer or rancher impacted by a natural disaster, please contact your local conservation district. If you are conservation district staff, please contact Bill Eller at the SCC ( if your conservation district is interested in activating the DAP.

Farmland Protection and Land Access (FPLA) Program

FPLA serves the dual purpose of permanently protecting high-quality farmland and facilitating access to land for next-generation farmers and ranchers.

Forest Health and Community Wildfire Resiliency (CWR)

SCC's Forest Health and Community Wildfire Resiliency (CWR) program funding is available for Washington conservation districts to address unhealthy forests and build greater community resiliency to wildfire.

Irrigation Efficiencies Grant Program (IEGP)

IEGP restores instream flows in rivers and streams determined to not have enough water for natural resources. Offering up to 85 percent of costs for water-saving irrigation systems.

Natural Resource Investments (NRI)

Conservation districts use Natural Resource Investments to offer local, incentive-based programs that empower landowners to voluntarily install best management practices.

Riparian Grant Program (RGP)

The Riparian Grant Program was funded by the Legislature in 2023, encouraging incentive programs focusing on landowner projects to restore and maintain riparian management areas. This program is funded by the Climate Commitment Act.

Riparian Plant Propagation Program (RPPP)

The Riparian Propagation Plant Program (RPPP) is designed to increase the availability of native trees and shrubs for riparian habitat restoration in support of statewide salmon recovery.

Salmon Recovery Funding (SRF)

The Salmon Recovery Funding Program was funded by the Legislature in 2022, encouraging incentive programs focusing on landowner projects for the restoration of salmon habitat.

Shellfish Program

Using a targeted approach to invest in projects voluntarily installed by conservation districts and landowners, the Shellfish Program builds cumulative results for shellfish recovery.

Sustainable Farms & Fields

SFF makes it easier and more affordable for farmers and ranchers to implement climate-smart practices and projects that increase carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable Farms & Fields: Climate-Smart Livestock

One-time funding of $30,000,000 from the Climate Investment Account was appropriated for the 2023-25 biennium to the Washington State Conservation Commission Sustainable Farms and Fields program for organic agricultural waste and greenhouse gas emissions reduction through climate-smart livestock management. This one-time funding resulted in three new funding opportunities: Alternative Manure Management, Research and Demonstration, and Dairy Anaerobic Digesters.

Conservation Program Funding

Our grant programs are designed to engage people to help keep our natural resources and working lands healthy for all. Services are often delivered by conservation districts.

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