Conservation District Resources

Accountability, Operations, and Supervisor Trainings

The State Conservation Commission (SCC) provides resources for conservation district supervisors and staff as part of our statutory role to guide and assist conservation districts. Much of this information provided below is in consultation with legal and tax experts, but it is not legal or tax advice. The SCC encourages you to consult qualified legal and accounting professionals to address your specific circumstances. This information will be updated often – check back regularly for new or revised information.

Conservation Accountability and Performance Program (CAPP)

The Conservation Accountability and Performance Program (CAPP) is a combined mandatory and voluntary accountability and performance program for Washington Conservation Districts.

Contracting and Bidding

District Funding and Financial Administration


Governing Status

Human Resources

Lobbying and Advocacy

Open Government

Public Records

Public vs Private Sector Activities

Welcome CD Supervisors!

Supervisor Reference Cover
CD Supervisor Reference

Here you'll find links to open government trainings and video modules for your orientation. Another great way to get started in your role is by reviewing the Washington State Conservation District Supervisor Reference (updated May 2023).

District Operations Briefs:

Open government training (required):

Supervisor Orientation Videos

Orientation for Conservation District Supervisors and Staff

Module 1: Overview, History, Mission, and Principles

Learn about the history of conservation districts nationally and in Washington State, and the unique role districts play in natural resource stewardship.

Module 2: Governance and Operations

Learn about the local governance structure of conservation districts, the role and responsibilities of supervisors, district planning and operations, potential funding sources, and more.

Module 3: Partnerships

Learn the roles, responsibilities, and opportunities related to conservation districts' key partners, including the State Conservation Commission, Washington Association of Conservation Districts, state and federal agencies, tribes, NGOs, and local government.

Module 1: Board Governance and Public Official Conduct

Provides conservation district board members the foundation of knowledge they need to govern and conduct themselves effectively as public officials.

Module 2: Policy Making for Conservation District Boards

This module covers basic principles of internal and external policy making for conservation district boards.

Module 3: Board Members and Employees: Accountability and Partnership

Module 4: Financial Oversight by Conservation District Boards

Module 5: Risk Management for Conservation Districts