On February 10, 2021, Michael Crowder of south central Washington was sworn in as president of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), a nonprofit organization that represents the nation’s 3,000 conservation districts.

Crowder manages Barker Ranch in West Richland and serves on his local Benton Conservation District board. His extensive resume includes farming, ranching, conservation, and volunteer experience as well as degrees in natural resources, environmental science, and wildlife science.
“NACD has a motivated, ambitious, and experienced leadership team for the next two years,” said Crowder in an NACD media release. “From urban settings to the nation’s farmland, I am confident this group will help advance conservation issues across all landscapes and communities.”
Crowder’s accolades include recognition as one of NACD’s Soil Health Champions Network, a group of more than 240 farmers, ranchers, and woodland owners from across the nation who practice good soil health management on their operations and promote the use of soil health management systems in their communities.
Learn more about Crowder and the conservation efforts he manages on his ranch in his Soil Health Champion Network profile.
The Washington State Conservation Commission offers our congratulations and thanks to NACD President Michael Crowder for his leadership!