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Clallam Conservation District

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Clallam CD is holding an in-person and mail-in election for a supervisor position on March 18, 2025. The physical, poll-site election will be open from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Armory Square Office Building, 228 W First Street, Suite H, Port Angeles, WA. Mail-in ballots must be requested in advance (by February 21, 2025). To request a ballot, visit Clallam Conservation District, 228 W First Street, Suite H, Port Angeles, WA 98362, or contact the election supervisor at (360) 775-2297.


Clallam Conservation District

Providing information and technical and financial assistance to help you achieve your land use objectives in an environmentally sustainable manner. Assistance is provided at no cost.

Reports & Publications:

Meeting Times

Meets the second Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the district offices.

Contact Us

228 W 1st St Suite H Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 775-3747
Go to District Website

Clallam Conservation District

Success Stories

Clallam Conservation District

Habitat Restoration in Clallam Conservation District

Clallam Conservation District's Dungeness River Levee Setback Revegetation project has restored 43 acres of floodplain habitat.

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Clallam Conservation District

Partnership Leads to Salmon Recovery Success

Over the past two years, Clallam Conservation District and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT) have teamed up to plant conifer trees along the Elwha River, each bringing different resources to the table.

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Clallam Conservation District

Reopening shellfish beds in Dungeness Bay

Between 2000-03, over 1,700 acres of shellfish harvest area in Dungeness Bay were downgraded due to bacterial pollution. Today, thanks to a voluntary and community-driven effort to identify and correct sources of water pollution, the Bay has seen improvements and re-openings of shellfish harvest areas.

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