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Thurston Conservation District

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Thurston CD is holding a mail-in election for a supervisor position on March 19, 2024. Mail-in ballots must be requested in advance (by March 19, 2024). To request a ballot, visit 582 Tilley Court SE, Suite 6, Tumwater, WA 98512, or contact the election supervisor at (360) 742-2313.


Thurston Conservation District

Inspiring voluntary, incentive-based conservation practices in Thurston County.

The mission of Thurston Conservation District is to educate and assist the citizens of Thurston County in the management of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations, inspiring voluntary, incentive-based conservation practices.

Our vision for the Thurston Conservation District includes:

  • A culture of voluntary stewardship of our natural resources built through relationships with individuals, organizations, and governments.
  • A resilient community responding to a changing climate.
  • People of Thurston County enjoy healthy soils, water, air, and ecosystems.
  • Sustainable community-based conservation and restoration of natural resources.
  • Prosperous and sustainable working lands.
  • Sustainable and consistent funding to achieve our mission.

Reports & Publications:

Meeting Times

The Board of Supervisors typically meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5pm at the district office.

Contact Us

582 Tilley Court SE, Suite 152 Tumwater, WA 98501
(360) 754-3588
TCD staff photo

TCD staff photo

Kirsop Farms row crops

Kirsop Farms row crops

Orca Recovery Day 2020 participants

Orca Recovery Day 2020 participants

Thurston Conservation District

Success Stories

Check back later for stories from this district!