Conservation Success Stories

The Conservation Commission and conservation districts integrate  science, technology, and effective strategies for engaging people into our  voluntary solutions. This helps us build community around conservation and  deliver multi-benefit results. You’ll find examples of these solutions—and  the results we’ve been able to celebrate with participating landowners and  partners—in these community success stories.

Wahkiakum Conservation District Tackles Erosion to Improve Fish Habitat

Wahkiakum Conservation District

Local land managers contacted Wahkiakum CD to request assistance reducing bank erosion on a fish-bearing stream on their property to improve instream fish habitat.

Wahkiakum CD rose to the occasion, helping the land managers design, permit, and fund the installation of wood-based structures along the stream banks to prevent further erosion and restore riparian habitat.

The project was funded through SCC's Salmon Recovery Funding.

Thank you, Wahkiakum Conservation District, for your hard work and dedication to helping land managers in your community address local natural resource concerns.

More Community Stories:

Grays Harbor Conservation District

Grant for Water Quality Outreach

Grays Harbor Conservation District secured over $355K to expand its water quality outreach programs, focusing on riparian stewardship and community education.

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Spokane Conservation District

Sustainable Agriculture Gains Recognition

Spokane Conservation District's sustainable agriculture programs, which protect waterways and promote farming innovation, recently received national recognition from the EPA

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Underwood Conservation District

Hosting Crop Talks for Farmers

The Crop Talks series provides local farmers with networking and educational opportunities to share sustainable farming practices.

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